Matthew McConaughey will play suicide

Matthew McConaughey will play in the new drama directed by Gus Van Sant  and titled “Sea of ​​Trees”. Another role went to Ken Watanabe. Screenwriter is Chris SparlingGil Netter is a film producer

The film’s plot is about one American (McConaughey) and Japanese (Watanabe), who met in the infamous Japanese “suicide forest” Aokigahara, located at the foot of Mount Fuji on Honshu Island. It is a popular place to commit suicide not only among residents of Tokyo, but in the whole world. Each year in the woods are about a hundred bodies.

Nevertheless, the main film characters decided not to commit suicide, and go traveling together through the wood. They have a chance to discover new things for themselves and find something that make people do not give up.

Note that Matthew more desires to take dramatic roles than play in romantic comedies. Thanks to such a career strategy, he received a nomination for “Oscar” for “Dallas Club Buyers”.

In addition, November 7, will be the premiere of science-fiction drama by Christopher Nolan “Interstellar”, in which McConaughey also played the main role.



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